

At our company, we understand that every business has unique needs and budgets. That’s why we offer flexible and customizable pricing options for our virtual assistant services. Our pricing is based on the specific services you require and the number of hours you need our virtual assistants to work for you.


10 HOURS P/Week

Get started with our affordable starter plan and experience the benefits of having a virtual assistant support your business today!

part time

20 HOURS P/Week

Take advantage of our  virtual assistant services available at an incredible value through our medium plan, providing 20 hours of dedicated support every week.

full time

40 HOURS P/Week

Unleash the full potential of your business with our full-time plan, providing 40 hours per week of expert virtual assistant services at a competitive price point


Hiring a virtual assistant working remotely from Eastern Europe can have several benefits for a company in the USA, Canada, or UK. Some of these benefits include:

Cost Savings

Eastern Europe generally has a lower cost of living than the USA, which means that salaries and other expenses associated with hiring a virtual assistant in this region are typically lower.

Different time zones

As Eastern Europe is in a different time zone from USA, it allows the company to get their work done during the hours when their office is closed, hence the company can have 24/7 service.

Access to a wider pool of talent

Virtual assistants provide a range of services to businesses, including administrative support, customer service, social media management, and more.  

Language and cultural similarities

Many Eastern European countries have high levels of English proficiency, which makes communication with your virtual assistant easier. Additionally, there are often cultural similarities that can make working together more seamless.

High-quality work and education

Virtual assistants are often proficient in several languages and possess excellent communication skills, making them an asset to any business that requires a virtual assistant. 

Increased flexibility for companies

Your virtual assistant can work from anywhere, which means that you can assign tasks outside of traditional office hours, and your virtual assistant can work on them at a time that suits them.